What is the meaning of available options of Scope field in Find Children activity

Hi everyone,

I am currently using Find Children activity for my project.I am selecting “Find Descendants” value to “Scope” field of this activity But I wonder what is the meaning of these available options in that field.
Please help me to clarify this.

thanks and best regards,
Hoang Anh.



Hi @ddpadil,

Thank you so much for your link.
I read that before but I didn’t see the information that I’m looking for.
Could you provide clearer information?

thanks and best regards,
Hoang Anh.

please check this.

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Hi @ddpadil,

I found the explanation of Find_Children, Find_Descendants in your link.
How about other options like: Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread?

Thanks and best Regards,
Hoang Anh.

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Hi, Anhth15

Have you got the answers for Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread? I am looking for them too. If you got, could you share with me?


Have you got the answers for Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread? I am looking for them too. If you got, could you share with me?


Hi everyone,
Does any of you have found the answer for the use of the three last options in the Find Children activities? (Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread)
Thank you,

Hi @jb.dtl

I pointed our documentation team in this direction and they will look into improving the article about Find Children :slight_smile:

Hi Maciej,

Thanks a lot for your answer, it will help us a lot !! :grin:

Kind regards,

Having said that, I can also hint that those options might have been left for legacy purposes and will become deprecated. Personally, I would not use those until they are well documented.

Hi @anhth15 @jb.dtl

The article on the activity has been updated :slight_smile:

Hi @loginerror,
Do you have any workflow examples? I havent succeed using those scopes.

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Sure, have a look at this basic example:
FindChildrenExample.zip (2.3 KB)

Thanks, but I mean Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread.
I haven’t figured out how these work.

Any chance you have any examples on Find_Top_Levels, Find_Process, Find_Thread?
The documentation is quite short about it.
Thank you!

Although I don’t have any specific examples, I would suggest targetting a simple top level object with children elements and then using the debug Locals panel to see what the output will be.

Okay, well, I found one setup for them.

  • filter: <wnd />
  • selector (empty)

This combination gives me all running processes (all the scope settings so so far I have no idea what is the difference between them. They don’t work with some element for example some parent DIV on website.

I found this website: How To : Kill All IE Browsers Except Selected One (Using Find Children Activity)- UiPath (By Pinky Agrawal) - RPA Tools
where author use for Filter <html /> and in his example it should retrieve all html processes, however, when I try to run his workflow or replicate, I recieve nothing.

End of my research for now. :wink:

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