What is PDD?and what the difference between PDD and SDD

what is PDD?and what the difference between PDD and SDD


PDD is Process Design Document which have the process and detailed steps of program which I guess is created by BA.

While SDD is Solution design document which contains the design and architecture of a software helping team to understand the software


Thanks @prankurjoshi…

Process Definition Document - Content as is steps performed in manual process

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PDD - Process Design Document is prepared by BA, which describe about the business flow(we also call it as “AS IS” process). It also includes all other information like FTE, Transaction load, Business rules, known exception, unknown exception, Error handling, Risks, Assumptions, SLA, Dependencies etc.

SDD - Solution Design Document is usually prepared by Architect/ Developer. which describe about the automation approach(we also call it as “TO BE” process). It explain about architecture design, applications involved in automation, Decision logics, exception handling, modular work flow level details, reusable components etc etc…


Please refer to below diagram as to who creates PDD, SDD and other things…



@ viveksri06 -
PDD - Process Design Document which is mainly created by Business Analyst, in which the steps/process driven in flow. Which help architectural team or development to understand the what they have to create in UiPath. It describe rules, SLA, Error Handlings
SDD - Solution Design Document which is mainly created by Architectural team which help developer to work further. It contain approach to begin with development. It describe how to handle if any exception occurs or if you have any decision making then what logic is preferable. Like Coding standards.

Please can I have a bigger and better version of this picture? Thank you.


Hi Shwethabn,

Can you please upload a clear picture of this please.It will be quite helpful for all of us

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Hi, @Terry_Ndikum / @AsiriGamage, you can download the attachment below for that image I had shared earlier.
Lesson 3 - The RPA Journey and the BA’s Role.pdf (238.2 KB)


It will help yo generate SDD from your project

which package are required for this process?
for me lot of activity is missing due to package.

Hello Bibindev,

“dependencies”: {
“UiPath.Excel.Activities”: “[2.8.6]”,
“UiPath.Mail.Activities”: “[1.8.6]”,
“UiPath.System.Activities": "[20.4.0]”,
“UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities": "[20.4.2]”,
“UiPath.WebAPI.Activities”: “[1.4.5]”,
“UiPath.Word.Activities": "[1.4.2]”

The ones in bold should be sufficient.

who keeps the pdd and sdd with them?do client keep it? what internal document developer make to keep for them.is tdd also used in all industries?

here’s the bigger one of picture if you needed :slight_smile: :