What happened to read text in "Windows"?

I got the newest version of Studio 2022.10.1 and now read text is requiring an IResource instead of a string for the file and filepath. Where are we supposed to indicate the file and file location? Is the file selector no longer an option to indicate the file to be used?



Yes, got the same problems…

After converting from project from “Windows Legacy” to “Windows”, update Packages to the latest versions and the Read Text File activity will work again.

See post here

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For now, can you try to update UiPath.System.Activities package to 22.10.1?


It seems to be working again as expected.

Looks like the Package upgrades are required when switching to Windows from Windows-Legacy.

Wish that had been a bit more obvious to me. Guess since not all packages can be updated (i.e. marketplace) they just do not update any when they convert for you.

Thanks for the help everyone!

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