As far as I know the ways of sending mails are : POP3, SMTP, Outlook, Gmail. Is there anything known as Office365 I have only noticed the Outlook365 activity, if it is different what is the difference between them and how do we get the Office365 activity?
In UiPath.Mail.Activities package, there are some Activites for sending email : Excahnge, Notes, Desktop Outlook, SMTP, and SendEmail which is for Outlook365 ,Gmail and Desktop Outlook, as the following
if you want to use Office365 package, can you try to install Microsoft365.activites pacakge via Manage Packages from the official feed.
POP3 is not a way to send email. It’s a way to get emails.
The Office 365 activities use Microsoft’s 365 architecture to connect to email, sharepoint, files, and other things. I suggest reading the UiPath documentation on Office 365 features.
Welcome to the community
office365 uses online 365 account to send email and to use those you need to create an azure app to be created and then it can be used
Well it shows that in the image clrealy.
Yep after app regsiatration in Azure, you get a tenant id and application id which is a input in O365 scope activity.