Send email settings for O365

Can someone please help me with sending email with O365 settings :slight_smile:

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Hi @Sourabh_Thorwat - What is the issue regarding mail activity?


I want to know the settings and the activity to use.
I don’t know where to put port number.

Hi @Sourabh_Thorwat - Sorry for the delayed reply. To use mail activities you have to install UiPath.Mail.Activities. Once that has been installed, you could able to see some of the mail activities like - Get Outlook Mail Message, Get IMAP Mail Message you can see it by search type Mail in Activities Pane. For IMAP and POP3 it will ask for Port Number which you can see on the right side of Properties Pane of that activity.


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Hi buddy

If outlook365 is installed in your machine where the process is executed then we can use get outlook mail activity or send outlook mail Activity, where we dont need to mention any port number, it will get configured automatically from your system

If your system is no installed with outlook we can use other Activities like Get exchange mail Activities or other mail Activities (from design tab → Manage packages → official tab → type as Uipath.Mail.Activities and install them )
Where in the property panel of those Activities we got an option called Port there we can mention the port we want…
If we want to know the port number for different connections, we can see that in our outlook application-> settings-> mail
Along with this we have to mention the user credentials as well…
In your case if you have outlook configured in your system, we can better use get outlook or send outlook mail Activity where we don’t need to mention the port numbers buddy
Thats all you are done
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Sourabh_Thorwat

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Thanks buddy. It was helpful.


Cheers @Sourabh_Thorwat

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