Week 4 - Solve Industry Use Cases - Reconciliation of Two Reports

It’s not supposed to take too long, are you getting any errors?. You can also use a delay activity in between the downloads.

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I seem to have an issue because =TEXT(<[Notes.Sheet(“Scratchpad”).Cell(“A1”)]>*29,“mmm”) is returning the Dutch months instead of the English… any suggestions how to change that without changing my computer systsem settings for localization?

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I retried again. Sticking to the default Downloads folder. It works fine now. My reconciliation file tallies to the Solution file.

Any idea why we cannot use other directories as the Downloads folder? I tried to create a folder in my Project folder and use it in the workings but it does not work.


Same problem here with french excel.

Also the separator in french function are “;” which is not accepted by UiPath in WriteCell module

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There is a comma in that sentence that shouldn’t be here.
Don’t use a comma to separate the subject from the verb.


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I found this formula on the net, but it’s with french syntax:
With some adaptation you can use it. (change the “;” with “,” and all the french word with dutch word).


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I have to find also solution for Czech Excel (for values 1-12 there was always result January - DD value). I created table with numbers and names of month (Scratchpad sheet). Then by VLookup saved “month name” to “Save value for later”. I suppose this solution is faster and “easier” than complicated function for conversion of DD to MM.


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Maybe you can also use “Delay” function.

Reconcile 2 reports - Good exercise and demonstrates skills/corrections needed from previous training.

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I had the same problem in Spanish. I solved the problem, adding the language to the formula.


I hope it helps you!!!


I would like to ask which way is better to pass from one application (web) to another (Excel) right currency (number) formating, because in one case decimal simbol could be comma in other it is point?

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The way “Download File” works is it monitors the folder you specify for downloads to complete, it isn’t able to tell the target application where to place the downloaded file. Meaning when you click “Download” on a website, if the browser automatically downloads the file to “Downloads” the “Download File” activity has no way to tell the browser to place it into a different directory,. What you are doing is telling the “Download File” activity to monitor whatever folder you indicated for a downloaded file to appear and finish downloading before continuing execution. So if you choose a different folder than the browser is placing the file into the “Download File” activity is watching a folder that no file is ever downloaded to, and eventually gives up (the default is after 300 seconds). So the problem “Download File” is solving is “wait until the file I’m downloading into this folder finishes downloading so I don’t have to guess how long of a delay to use”. It isn’t solving “tell the target application to download a file into this directory”.


See this for the way to work with PDFs currently in StudioX How do I read a PDF file in StudioX and extract the data to an Excel file - #3 by Bergie

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This is for anyone trying to use different local language for use in English website with Months:

In practice, you will most likely be dealing with entire dates (not individual months). This means you will have a format of either MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy (not MMMM). Also, you typically don’t want to convert values using by writing an Excel formula just so you can select it on a website in that format. However, I will show both approaches, just in case.

First approach is “let’s just convert it as we use it”
However, if you plan to use this conversion more than once, then you might need to store the converted value in the file or somewhere in memory during runtime.

Here is how to convert the month using simple .net concepts in the Advanced Editor:

This converts the Month value to your month in your language, then converts it go English

Convert.ToDateTime(CurrentRow.ByField("Month").ToString+" 1").ToString("MMMM",new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))

I needed to add " 1" next to the month to make a valid date. However, if you have an entire date, then you don’t need to do this.

For the second approach “using Excel formula”, I suggest taking a look at a slight change to the formula as presented by @ialvarez
Week 4 - Solve Industry Use Cases - Reconciliation of Two Reports - #30 by ialvarez
The language can be changed from en-GB to en-US or de_DE, etc, as desired.

Let us know if this helps solve it for you guys.

@HumCZa @VPetrini @Asher_Lake

Sorry about EDIT: I realized later, you only need to convert it once to a date, then use the cultureinfo:

Convert.ToDateTime(CurrentRow.ByField("Month").ToString+" 1").ToString("MMMM",new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))



Uff Finally completed!!!
Made couple of mistakes which helped me to investigate and learn.
After reviewing the solution from UIPath, I realized that my solution was not efficient because I was having code to handle the not necessary setting in the browser for asking for the folder where to save the file. Then turned OFF the setting, because for automation execution this is time consuming, and created a new project modifying the code accordingly. Lot of learning with this practice. Thank you.

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I was able to use a different folder than the Downlaods one; but for this I had to turn on the browser setting to ask before downloading the file. But this solution require additonal Click activity to response the new Window that is displayed. This add time and complexity to the code, so I decided the default Downloads folder.

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Thanks alot Andrew! I finally finished all the cases in Week 4. Abit more challenging. Along the way, I realised we can actually tweak our own solutions but still get the same results as in the solutions provided.It is really a good learning point. Makes me think how can I best define this Robotpath map and translate it into the workspace. And also identify & eliminate certain steps which may not be necessary and would only the delay the whole processing.

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I did Delay 2 Seconds as ur recommendation. It works! Thanks yea!

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Thanks @ClaytonM I will try your suggestions

Thank you, your .net code is working but I would never guess it.

So in Excel french syntax the parameter separator is “;” which is refused by UiPath that only want “,” when you write in cell:

“…si vos données représentent une formule, veillez à utiliser une virgule comme séparateur de paramètre.[…]”
“…if your data represents a formula, be sure to use a comma as a parameter separator.[…]”

When I looked if I can change this paramater in Excel… In fact I have to change Windows parameter to change this.
There is no way to make UiPath accept the semicolon as a parameter separator?
For exampe in Google Sheet when you import a CSV file they ask you if the separator is something else than a comma for such case as the french Excel…

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