Webclient Error

Hi Team,

what does this error mean and how we can fix it.

Kindly note:

Taken from:

So, when starting new use directly the HTTPClient for it

i am getting as below

should i select HTTPClientFactory for it, or should i add any components for HTTPClient method to appear.

was not mentioned by us as we mentioned HttpClient

Let us know if your project is set to Windows - Legacy


try the full namespace then you can find

System.Net.Http.HttpClient or System.Net.Webclient


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i tried typing the namespaces but its not appearing…



that’s why we asked

using legacy we would have to reference a package

Working within Windows Compatibility it should be available

Hi @ppr the current studio version i am using is 2023.12.0 and i am sure there is no option for windows-Legacy in the version.


directly type it in your assign or wherever you are using


can you give me syntax of directly writing in the code.


New System.Net.Http.HttpClient


we had only asked, what is used at your end.

so import the namespace:

Try again to create a variable of type:

As a last resort:

  • close all XAMLS
  • take a backup from the XAML
  • open it within a text editor (e.g. notepad++)
  • Add manually the Assembly reference
  • Save an close (notepad++)
  • click refresh
  • open XAML and try again

i have followed the steps and some how i did not face any error while compiling but something like Invoke Method: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘TargetObject’)

what is still missing


Target object is not intialized


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Hii @ppr

i tried using HTTPClient but getting error ex: DownloadFile property

Available methods from HTTPClient Class can be checked here:

as most of the methods do have a return it can also be used within an Assign Activity

Also we would like to mention

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Thank you anil so much for clear Guidance

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