Watermarking A PDF


I am not sure what values to place for color or font when trying to watermark a pdf using UIPathTeam.PDF.Extensions.Activities v 2.0

I have no preference currently on the color or font type of the watermark I’d like to just see something go onto the pdf for now.

Would it be possible to get some samples from successful projects of what has been placed for those input parameters. I’ve googled up on PDFSharp and currently this is going over my head

Just to add more info I have a declared Xfont variable. When I try to assign it in the value field I have “pdfsharp.Drawing.Xfont(“Arial”,50,XFontStyle.Bold)” and I get a compiler error saying Xfont is a type in Drawing and can’t be used as an expression. XColor I am able to assign but not Xfont. Watermark is showing way too large as is so I need to be able to adjust that font size.

Issue resolved. I assigned the default value to “new pdfsharp.Drawing.Xfont(“Arial”,10, XfontStyle.Bold)”

Was missing the “new” . Hope this helps anyone having problems with the watermarking pdf feature

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