I want to give name to a folder by following path used:
1 used hotkey ctrl+shift+n
2 input diolog box to give name to folder
3 type into to type name.
prob is b/w step 2&3 as soon as i write something in input box it make a original folder’new folder’.therefore i’m not able to rename the folder as desired.
If you want to create new folder with specific name, no need to use Ctrl+Shift+ n and rename.
There is a direct activity named ‘create folder’. Please refer attached file. i hope it will help
revert me back still any issues or mark as solution if it resolves Main.xaml (3.6 KB)
@mitul_choudhary Let’s say you want to perform the Creation of New Folder using UI Activities. In that case you can use Send Hot Keys as you have to Create a New Folder. To rename the New Folder, you can use a Set To ClipBoard Activity to Copy your Folder name to the ClipBoard, then you can use a Hot Key Ctrl+V to paste it. I have managed to Create a New Folder with these Steps. Check the Screenshots below :
Use Indicate On Screen to Indicate the Folder Creation Section. Make sure the Selectors are dynamic for it.
The Properties of two Send Hotkeys vary a bit. Check below:
Properties of First Send HotKey
Properties of the Second Send Hotkey
Even though this works, we should go for a Background approach or maybe we can use Commands to Create a Folder in the Network Folder. Also what error will the Create Folder Activity give out ?
Create_NameFolder.zip (16.7 KB)
I tried to create folder in my shared location. Its creating with the same code.
you can create variables and assign the path to variable and use the variable in ‘create folder activity’. The same I have implemented in attached file. please refer.
kindly check the shared folder accessibility (check if you are able to create folder in shared folder or not manually)