Waiting for evaluation [3 days] - Level 3 Assignement 1

Hello everybody,

I have submitted the assignment 1 for Level 3 and it has been more than 3 days but it is still under process.
Someone from the support told me that I’ve got to re-upload because my evaluation wasn’t good but I can’t while my assignement is being evaluating.

Please help.


Then tell the same thing to that support guy and ask him to delete that assignment and then re upload it again for evaluation.

I tried but no answer…

aahah…i think this is getting reflected to all who have submitted three or four days back with their assignments @chabnichab @rgonzalezsal
no worries buddy, we can resolve this
again sorry to trouble you guys…
@loginerror and @Pablito
It would be really helpful to take up their further studies.

Thanks in advance for you help


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Hello @chabnichab, @lakshman and @Palaniyappan,
Thank you for alerting us. Seems that there is a small issue on Academy. Thanks to you our team is working on it. Soon all should be back to normal :wink:


Ok thanks a lot for your time :slightly_smiling_face:


I reupload my assignement since 1 day, I have to wait or there is an issue ?

Can i have the document of the next assignment or do I have to wait the end of the evaluation ?

Hello @chabnichab,
Let me check. Will back with an update.

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Seems that this issue is bigger than we thought. Our team is fighting with this still. Sorry for inconvenience. I will update this topic soon as the problem will be solved. Sorry once again.

Ok thank you, Can I have the documentation of the 2nd assignment or it’s impossible ?

This documentation is generated specifically for your training. I mean the link is generated.

So I can begin the next assignement in uipath academy ? I don’t really understand sorry.

I’ve got information that academy issue should be solved now :slight_smile:. Sorry once again for the problem.

No problem. Thank you for all


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