Vlookup formula is not working as expected everytime

Hi Team,

My vlookup formula works correctly sometimes and it will not work as expected rest times.


now it is just copy and pasting the string value . MY question is when we write vlookup it should be '[input2,xlsx]Sheet2'! , but now it is just taking it as [Input2.xlsx]Sheet2!
Can anyone please help me .

Please find my workflow attached,

PadminiMapping update.xaml (25.8 KB)

You are using vlookup for searching value in second file not in same?

Yes in second file

This is ryt reference for second file…
Have you try


in excel manually

yes i tried it will prompt window to select file

will you share your project zip file or Your Files with dummy data

Give Full path of that file … try this first

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Yes i tried and it is running now :slight_smile: , but instead of hard coding can we give the path as dynamic variable?

yes you can :blush:

Please correct me if i am wrong , so i need to use Assign property to the file name and use the variable in formula?

Yes right :+1:

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