Hi @Nur_Amin
Make sure the string that you are trying to search in excel is string type.
hi can elaborate more on this?
If you are looking for a string value then you have to pass the string variable in vlookup
If you are looking for a integer value then you have to pass the int variable in vlookup
It would be great if you provide the more information like about the value you are searching in the excel and what type it is.
hi book 1 is my data sample while excel file named vlookup is the value i want to lookup
Vlookup.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Book1.xlsx (8.6 KB)
hi, i cannot open this workbook. im using studio x community version
Have you tried this? @Nur_Amin
It is working
hi, may i ask why u copy and paste ?
Copying the sheet from excel1 to excel2
but u did not add sheet?
I tried to do the script using my real data but stuck in copy and paste as sheet 2 not exist because i did not add new sheet
It creates new sheet as Sheet2 you no need to create the sheet in that excel
no need to add insert sheet?
Yes @Nur_Amin
Copy/Paste Range activity creates the sheet and add the data into that sheet