Version conflict RestSharp between UiPath.Salesforce.Activities & UiPath.WebAPI.Activities

I am getting error “HTTP Request: Could not load type ‘RestSharp.IRestClient’ from assembly ‘RestSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=598062e77f915f75’.” for activity HTTP Request @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula @Palaniyappan @Yoichi @Jithesh_R @A_Learner @Shubham_Kinge @supermanPunch @arjunshenoy @Srini84 @ppr

in a first analysis round we would recommend to check within the dependency list what was requested and to which version it was resolved (gray, light blue icon) when checking RestSharp references


Can you check why the Read Text File activity is showing error?


Downgrading salesforce to 1.8 made the HTTP Request work which has requirement of RestSharp >=106.15.0 but it broke my Salesforce activities


its just warning due to full path in input.

This was solved by usage of scripts instead of HTTP Request activity.

@uipath @UiPath_Community can fix this issue in their next release

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