Package Conflict for Jira and WebAPI activity package

Facing an Package Conflict at UiPath.Jira.Activities and UiPath.WebAPI.Activities reason for an RestSharp. Not possible to delete/Downgrade any package dependency. cause, while downgrade it affect some more activities not working. any one kindly help for this…

Hi @kowsi ,

Have you tried upgrading the package?

Is this windows or Windows - Legacy?


Nuget manages these kind of conflicts automatically. If you mouse over the one that is RestSharp version 106.10.1 it will say that it requested 106.10.1 but it resolved 106.15.0 because it’s the higher of the two conflicting versions.

Hi @prateek.mehandiratta9 ,
All the Packages are upgraded and it’s an windows.

@postwick It’s not managing by itself automatically. higher version depend activities will run smoothly. when starting the lower version of RestSharp 106.10.1 depending activities throw an error.
Throw an Error like,

Jira Scope: Method not found: ‘Void RestSharp.Parameter…ctor(System.String, System.Object, RestSharp.ParameterType)’.

Sure it is. Did you mouse over the individual packages like I mentioned?

Also, the take screenshot error looks like it is because you logged into the unattended session then just closed the RDP window, rather than signing out. This causes the session to be similar to a locked session, which fouls up automations. Start by signing back into the RDP session using the robot account, then click Start and SIGN OUT.

For the Jira error, it’s not that the conflict isn’t being managed, it’s that it IS being managed - so the method you are trying to use is in one version of the Jira package but it’s not in the version of the package you’re actually using due to the conflict resolution.

@postwick while attended Bot also Jira Activities are not working fine throw like the same Error. For the Solution, I not able to downgrade the UiPath.WebAPI.Activies cause, It will affect some other activities as large I was using.

Sometimes there’s no way around that. You have to document the configuration of the activities that a downgrade breaks, downgrade the package, then re-add the activities that it broke.

ok @postwick let me try. Thank you.

We updated the RestSharp version in the latest Jira package. This should resolve the conflict issue.

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