VB.Net code to convert .csv file to .xlsx file


Can anyone suggest me with VB.net code that I can use to convert .csv file to .xlsx file.
I cannot use UiPath activities, As I have few infra issues which is making excel to open multiple times not viable option


You can read the csv-file using
Activities - Read CSV

And then write to an xlsx using this
Activities - Write Range Workbook

The workbook activities in the Excel package don’t require Excel to be installed:

Hi @sven.wullum1 ,

I cannot do this as sheet name is different for each transaction. I don’t have access to modern folders as of now

Maybe I misunderstood.

Do you want to convert an xlsx into a csv?

No, From csv to xlsx

CSV don’t have sheets, so you can call the sheet in the xlsx whatever you want.

We are downloading csv file from another application which contain sheets

Do you have an example?

I really was under the impression that CSV’s don’t have sheets the way a workbook has.

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CSV can never have sheets…thats not the csv structure

@sven.wullum1 - you are correct they wont have sheets
