Validation station for selected fields

Hi All,

I wanted to know is there a way of cutomizing the fields which appear on the Validation station during running the DU framework of UiPath. For example in a single pager document I have 6 fields extracted but only 2 of them require validation because of a low confidence while the other 4 are correctly extracted. Is there a way i can make only these 2 fields appear on the validation station and not the other 4?

This will save time of the user in not validating the correctly extracted fields and focusing on the ones with low confidence extraction. This will also be helpful when the no of extraction are high in number and just because of 1 or 2 fields the validation station come up and user has to verify all the fields and not just those 1 or 2


I dont think you can restrict the fields that can be displayed but you will see the confidence percentage of each fields when presented …so ideally if confidence is high they need not validate it
