What is the way to access windows screens (PRINT and SAVE) using CHROME as a browser?
I am using the latest version of UIPATH and netframework. The project uses the CHOME browser with an unattended robot. I am trying to use the windows print option. I am not able to access the contents from the print window. I am trying to save the results of a print to PDF. Also I am not able to put in values in the SAVE AS explorer screen and have them work. The action take the last default value. I have tried all property options for SendWindow and SimulateType with AlterifDisabled and Activate. I am able to access the web page for the login information with SimulateType = true and using Click and TypeInto. My selector is as follows. I am trying to use a type into of “[k(ctrl)]s[k(ctrl)]” to perform a save All the extension setting are up to date for CHROME including check includeURL files. What is the way to access windows screens using CHROME as a browser? The orchestrator does not have an CV API license.
Hello @lori_cotton try to use Send Hotkeys activity and send Ctrl + S for save and Ctrl + P for print