From where ? you are getting that specific value of email?
I assume that you are giving input a string which is “Email” right?
Then use get text of email field and use dynamic selectors (use row number of the table) to iterate all the emails and compare each get text results with the string “Email” you were given.if matched in then part give click edit with dynamic selector with same row number.
Hope this helps,
If possible share the link of that table you have.
Thanx…but in the real application I have more than 1400 rows - I thought my approach would be more effective. I have been playing with another more simple simple robotics tool (Leapwork) and there it was possibel to finde the row (by using find TR which contains a specific text) and then pass the element found (the TR) to another search lokking for e.g. a link.
I get the emails from an Excel sheet.
So why can’t I search for the Innertext…is it not supported or am I doing it wrong?
I have a similar issue where I want to use innerhtml to have the bot select the result option that has the matching email address (variable).
Something like: *<br>{{email}}* where <br> is static and between the first wildcard and the email variable.