Have been using StudioX to get acquainted with UIPath and using Excel sheet, and it’s been working just fine. Company has now acquired full license, so been told I could use Studio instead of StudioX. But hitting a hurdle right from the start, as the activity Use Excel File does not seem to exist in Studio. Strangely, I can open an old StudioX project that has Use Excel File, and it works with Studio. I can see there is an Excel Application Scope in Studio, but if I select a workbook from there, the For Each Row activity (which exists in Studio X) does not exist in Studio. What am I missing?
Studio has the added feature of variables which you need to work with that StudioX takes care of for you. Once you get the basics, it’s easy to use, don’t worry.
Inside of the Excel Application Scope activity, you will need to add the Read Range activity. This activity does the actual extraction of data from Excel. If you select the Read Range activity once its in your sequence, on the right side you will see a Properties panel. Open this and the bottom most field will be a property for Output. You will need to create a variable of type DataTable and add the name of that variable here. You can then use a For Each Row activity on the Datatable variable.
Ah! OK I did that and it’s worked so far. Could you recommend any tutorials that would get me through the basics of Studio? I really enjoyed the Studio X Community User syllabus, but it looks like I need to build on that with material written for Studio. Thanks you for your help!
Great, glad to hear.
The official Uipath training should be the starting point: https://academy.uipath.com
Thank you!
you can open StudioX XAMLs in Studio and in a majority of cases the modelling can be continued.
(Once opened/changed in Studio, then going back to StudioX is off as option)
You can change Studio to Modern design and working with Studio more in a way as initial done Within StudioX
Also it is posible to work in Studio in classic mode but changing the Activity filter and using offered StudioX, Modern Design Activities
I had spotted the Activity filter that lets you use Modern activities, but not seen the switch in Settings allowing you to focus on Modern Design! Many thanks for that, it looks like it could be exactly the compromise I was looking for. I don’t need the granularity, for now, of using my own attributes and variables, but need the features like Debug that are only in Studio. Many thanks!!!
have RnnD on toggling the Studio Project type to modern design as well
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