Using assign and if activity

Hi all, I am trying to assign array of items and then find it using if activity but i think the condition written for if activity might be wrong?? But how do i write??
My variable is Array of String


Can you try to set just String (not array) at TypeArgument of ForEach?



Type of Value variable is string array and it will cause error. Can you share what you want to check in the IF?

Value.Contains(item) might work for you


I am trying to find files in the folder that contains the following word which i have use the assign activity (Shown in the pic).If it matches it will be shift to the respective folder.

StrOf Files is the location of the folder where all the files are stored


Can you try the following condition?

If you need to check if the filepath includes string which is stored Value

Value.Any(Function(s) item.Contains(s))


If you need to check if just filename (without directory) includes string which is stored Value

Value.Any(Function(s) System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item).Contains(s))


Holy! it worked thanks a lot

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