User-interface bugs in Studio 2023.10.4


I have recently upgraded to UiPath Studio 2023.10.4 from 2022.10.7. I am encountering some issues with the user interface:

When adding comments to code blocks the comments pane seems to be placed in the background:


I am also experiencing that workflows are sometimes blank when opened. I then have to switch to another workflow and back or minimize Studio and maximize it again. This behavior is similar to what I reported when upgrading to 2022.10.3 (but was fixed in a later release):

Finally, I have created a code snippet in an Invoke Code activity using a break to exit a loop. After re-loading my project I am now experiencing that an input argument named BreakTriggerScopeInArgument is added to the Invoke Workflow activity:

The blank process tab is something I already reported here, with no results.

Welcome to UiPath feedback forum, @jacchr . They usually are not going to give a damn.

Another bug is that at times it is required to press Enter twice e.g. when setting the Time Out value or creating a new variable using Ctrl + K.

@pere we listen for the feedback received here and fix some/most of the issues. Indeed, sometimes there is a longer time when we apply these fixes but we do our best.

  • the annotation glitch is fixed in 24.2 and above
  • the BreakTriggerScopeInArgument is also fixed in 24.2 and above
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This version is not the latest for Enterprise Edition? Downloaded the Install file now and got updated to 2023.10.6.