Use Browser Activity in a cross platform project

how can i use the “Use Browser” activity in a cross platform project?


Welcome to the community

If you click on the down arrow you would see all the browser tabs in it…you can select the tab you want to automate and use it

Hope this helps


Thank you very much, it works. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy Automation

Hope this resolved the issue


I’ve another question.
Is it possible to use Data Scrapping in a crossed platform projekt . I am missing it in the menu bar.
If i create a windows project it is visible in the menu bar.

thx in advance for your answer.


On cross platform its not available as of now


@hermann.schupp the ExtractDataActivity is actually available in the tinny +. Once you’ve added on the canvas, you can start its configuration from the + menu on the right.

Table extraction with UIAutomation is now available in Studio Web - News / Product News - UiPath Community Forum

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