Use application/browser Notallowing inside Try /Catch

why use application browser not allow inside try/catch bock,in that situation how can i handle use application browser activity


Can you elaborate?

In my environment, it’s no problem.


Hi @hm00776818

You have to encapsulate the Use application\Browser activity with Try Catch activity, then it will try catch will handle the exceptions in the Use application\browser activity.

If you want to handle any activity which throws exception, encapsulate that activity with Try catch.

Check the below image for better understanding.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @hm00776818 ,
Can you share your error?
almost activity can inside try catch
my version 2023.10 no problem


you can drag dop useapplication browser from object reporistory not in the activity panel

I can’t get your question @hm00776818. Could you be more elaborate.

you can create object repository page and elements and try to drag and drop that page[use applicatibrowser]

if you drag and drop useaplication/browser form activity panel it will work.
you can create object repoistory try to drag and drop from page directly from object repository to try/catch block it will not allow

Activities from the “Activities” panel onto your workflow try catch it will work . However, if you’re trying to drag and drop activities directly from the Object Repository to a Try/Catch block in your workflow it’s not working , UiPath might not allow it i think. This could be due to the way UiPath’s interface is designed, which may not support this specific action.


I think it interface not have this feature
you can drop from activity panel only
you can add sequence first