Use Application/Browser fail to work as attach browser

Hi all, I face an attach browser issue when the studio upgrade to 2021.10 version.

In 2021.10 version, the attach browser activity is disappeared and become “Use Application/Browser”. However the new activity “Use Application/Browser” can’t attach on opened browser or newly pop up browser from original browser. Instead it open a new browser and go to the target website. How can I attach the opened browser?

Can anyone help me on this? Thank you very much.


Can you try to use InputElement property and OutputElement property as the following?



Hi @koko_choi ,

In addition to @Yoichi 's Statement, an Alternative would be to Modify the Close and Open Property of the Use Browser Activity.

You can Change the Open Property to “IfNotOpen” and then Check if it works.

This Activity is Combination of both Attach Window and Open Browser.

Let us know if the problem still persists.

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