URGENT: Digitilize document not working

Hello Friend,

I have a big problème, i have the following dependency:

i had the fowwowing error:

Hi @abdel

Try to replace the omnipage ocr activity instead of UiPath document OCR
Install the UiPath.Omnipage.activites package and use the omnipage.

Hope it helps!!

but the they had not the same OCR performance

We had a entreprise key for DU

No for using the omnipage OCR we don’t need to have the enterprise edition. @abdel

Hi @abdel ,

Could you try checking separately in a different sequence, the Digitization part by hard coding the values ?

Also, check with a different PDF file (Simple PDF) and check whether it works or has the same errors.

Hi @supermanPunch,

I just tested separately the digitization part and the same error occure:

“message”: "System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> UiPath.Shared.Activities.TrackingException: Request CorrelationId: 23d47911-d677-454e-aed8-3be7dfdc61fd\nRequest PredictionId: eM3/dlBuWEB9W3Mwn2LuFIsYjBINJT4Lh4idIbr t87w=_39b9a61f -fc59-44f3-94e6-acf8776eed1d\nObject reference not set to an instance of an object —> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\n at UiPath.OCR.Activities.UiPathDocumentOCR.d__21.MoveNext()\r\n

“message”: “System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for ‘UiPath.SmartData.PDF.PdfLicenseManager’. —> System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Invalid license for the PDF component\r\ n at UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.Digitizer.PdfLicenseManager.InitializeLicense(String licenseData)\r\n at UiPath.SmartData.PDF.PdfLicenseManager…cctor()\r\n — End of inner exception stack trace —\r\n at UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities.Digitization.DigitizeDocument.d__45.MoveNext()\r\n— End stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —\r\n at UiPath.Shared.Activities.AsyncTaskNativeImplementation.BookmarkResumptionCallback(NativeActivityContext context, Object value)\r\n at UiPath.Shared.Activities.AsyncTaskNativeActivity.BookmarkResumptionCallback(NativeActivityContext context, Bookmark bookmark , Object value)\r\n at System.Activities.Runtime.BookmarkCallbackWrapper.Invoke(NativeActivityContext context, Bookmark bookmark, Object value)\r\n at System.Activities.Runtime.BookmarkWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)” ,
“level”: “Information”,
“logType”: “User”,
“timeStamp”: “14:55:16”,
“processVersion”: “”,
“jobId”: “3c45250f-d480-4136-b3de-509565d6355d”,
“robotName”: “a5398023@cebpl-gce-unattended”,
“machineId”: 126,
“organizationUnitId”: 9,
“fileName”: “digitilize test”