Unexpected error in digitize document

Hi all,
I have an error in digitize document activity

According to the old threads
Followed the intelligent ocr version 5.0

Also tried to install all latest versions .
used different ocr(UiPath document ocr, Omnipage OCr, UiPath Screen OCR).
Couldnt understand why im getting this error .

H! @parvathi_ayanala

Can you explain what is the error exact!



This is the error

Can you try once…!

  • Update the UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities if it
    having higher version please reduce to 4.13.2
  • Change the OCR to UiPath Document OCR
  • Refresh the robot connection

Also, are you providing any scale value to the OCR. if yes, then please set it to the default value

Cheers @parvathi_ayanala

@Praveen_Mudhiraj . Thank you . the error has gone.

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Welcome :smiling_face:

Cheers @parvathi_ayanala

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