Upload file to record field (data service) - switches to "file resource" after reopening project

I am using the activity “upload file to record field” from the package UiPath.DataService.activities.
I have specified the file path which file should be uploaded. Every time I reopen the project, the activity switches from “file path” to “file resource” which is empty so the bot fails here. Does anybody know how to enforce that the activity uses the file path? Thank you

Screenshot 2023-06-17 212129

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Hi @Stibisevic
Can you show the Properties panel of the activity.

Hi @Stibisevic

After adding the “Upload File to Record Field” activity to your workflow, set the “File Path” property to the desired file path manually. Save and close the project. Before reopening the project, double-check that the file you specified in the “File Path” property still exists in the expected location. When you reopen the project, ensure that the UiPath Studio environment and packages are up to date. In some cases, outdated packages or compatibility issues can cause unexpected behavior.
If the issue persists, try deleting the “Upload File to Record Field” activity and adding it again from the Activities panel. Set the “File Path” property once more and save the project.


Hi @pravallikapaluri
Please find the property panel enclosed, thank you.


Hi @Nitya1

Many thanks for your reply. I have followed your steps however the error still persists. The file path is there if I switch back from file resource to file path, but when I open the project, it would always show “File resource” first (which is empty) with an error.

This is an old thread, but I encounter the same issue. Is there any solution to this?

I am also having the same issue. Yesterday it worked once where I could see property to enter the file path/name. Today its File Resource only?