Updating the values in excel file


I have a scenario, where i will run the accounts & update around 20 values in each column in output excel file.
The challenge am facing is, i will be having a unique id for each account so whenever i get an system exception as we know that account gets clone in queue so it will retry the account again, if it is not success again it will keep status as system exception.
But in the report instead of overwriting the values on the same row of that particular unique id… It is getting appended in the output excel file, i mean two times it will be added in the excel file…
So can i get a solution for the above issue with the activities…

Hi @Somanath_Somu

As the data is already written in the excel please try by using the try catch activity. Please place the activities that are used after getting the account number in try catch. So, whenever an error occurs the process will goes into the catch block and just keep an log message activity in the catch block. As usual you can place the add data row or else the actvity that you are using to append the data in the try block itself. So, this will help you to append the data when there is no error occured and this way you can neglect the extra data adding into the excel.



Are you using REFramework? if yes, you can rely on TransactionNumber for Row Index of excel rows.

TransactionNumber won’t increment in case of retry.

Ashok :slight_smile: