Update version query

Hi, before updating the latest version, whenever there is an error occur in the activity, it thrown the popup window, where we can easily identify the error details. But in the Update Beta version, here we’re not able to see anything, Only the activity border become RED color if there is any error in the activity,
Even now it’s not displaying any popup error window. ??

Previously popup window message very much helpful to display the exact error message. Now It’s become red and in the Result tab just showing Execute Query Faulted. How do we identyfy which is the exact error?
Now how to see the error details? without displaying anything

What I have observed if we run in the Debug mode it shows this red line which I attached the pic but when we press f5 to continue the process in Normal Mode then it thrown an exception message.

This is very much annoying :frowning:

@Palaniyappan @loginerror



So you mean like we are not getting g error pop up message when I’m the process I been run in debug mode
Is it so
Well we got these options did we check with that


Validate / Validate All and Error List

You can now scan your entire project for syntax errors and then display them in one convenient Errors pane.


As you can see, it spots the syntax error inside of the invoked workflow:

And this is only the beginning of this functionality.

Ability to run a single activity to debug it!

You can find Test Activity functionality in the context menu.


Cheers @balkishan

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see here I run in the Debug mode, Intentionally I made a mistake, Now error occure but it stopped here only once become the red border.
I am not able to see any details about this error.
I attached the complete window snapshot.

If I right click on this Activity. It show nothing where I can see the details.

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i hope we are in read only mode, that is when the process is in execution either in debug or normal mode we wont be able to find any option
–try with TEST ACTIVITY functionality

–i hope thats a new functionality added to test that particular activity and its functionality
–you are in middle of the execution thats why no option is visible

Cheers @balkishan

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Not understand, previously it was good, now it’s confused and not directly…

Hi @balkishan

Please see the locals panel for that here:

The exception details will be there instead of a pop-up.


Okay Thanks @loginerror

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