Update Item - Sharepoint List - MicrosoftOffice365

How to update a list item field that is type “Person or Group”? So far I succeeded in updating the item fields, only when the column types were either “Number” or “Single line of text”. Is updating “Person or Group” type item field overall possible…? I appreciate any help :slight_smile:

Person or Group Provides a searchable list of people and groups from which people can choose when they add or edit an item. For example, on a Tasks list, a Person or Group column named Assigned To can provide a list of people that a task can be assigned to. The contents of the list depends on how directory services and SharePoint groups have been configured for the site. To customize the contents of the list, you may need to contact your administrator.


Using the normal activities under office 365 i dont think you can update them


How is it possible to read the item field value if the column type is ‘Person or Group’? This did not work item.Fields[0].Value…


You cannot you will get only the id’s


Do you know how to add value to a Sharepoint List column that is type “Person or Group”?


As far as activity is concerned we can update that field using lookup id …but the problem is you need to give th look up id pertaininhg to the person

You can pass like the "ColumnNameLookupId" as the dictioanry key and "lookupid(eg:123)" is the value to be passed

And lookup id for each email is to be retreived from user information list if you have access to


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