Kindly ensure that you have this compatible version of either packages
Cheers @Alamgir03
Kindly ensure that you have this compatible version of either packages
Cheers @Alamgir03
These are the issues which I am getting after installing UiAutomation (version 19.8.0-ce) post installing CV (version 2.2.0) .
I guess you no need to install UiAutomation package post installation of CV package.
I did the same. Installed the UiAutomation Package post installation of CV Package.
Sorry its my bad. I edited above reply. No need to install UiAutomation package post installation of CV package. This package contains all activities.
But I am getting issue like missing activity(Open Browser Activity) after removing the the UiAutomation package.
If any package asked to update then update it and then check once.
Hello @Alamgir03, I have the same issue, did you get a solution for this?
Hey @Alamgir03 and @Luis_Martirena there is no need to install UiPath.AI.ComputerVision.Acitvities anymore. CV is now part of UIAutomation package (e.G 19.10.1). So uninstall it and use the default activities.
Thank you @Artur_Bueno , now it is working!