There is a case where i am trying to Type into ipconfig /flushdns command on an Admin Command Prompt. Able to open an Admin Command prompt after creating scheduled task in Windows. Win +R and Type Into ‘“schtasks /run /tn \MyApps\cmdprompt[k(enter)]”’
opens up a Administrative command prompt.
On further Type into command says selector not found though a valid Selector has been set “”
Request any inputs about how to get the Type Into command to work on the Administrator Command Prompt.
Changed the selectors and the workflow that you sent seems to be working, but it still opens up a regular Command prompt and not an Administrator command prompt as required.
The workflow does bring up the UAC(which requires user intervention), which has been disabled in the first workflow that i attached by running it from the Windows Scheduler by using the below command "‘“schtasks /run /tn \MyApps\cmdprompt[k(enter)]”’
where i had created a cmdprompt task in the Task Scheduler and given elevated priviliges, so was able to launch the Admin Command Prompt, but the further Type Into doesn’t work.
The UAC can be bypassed following the above.(in the first workflow attached)
It does however launched Admin prompt but Type into doesn’t work from Uipath.
Running Uipath in Administrative mode, results in Access denied. If I disable Administrator mode of Uipath,able to reach till the Admin prompt opening up. Let me try the CV Type into , but that requires Orchestrator API