Hi ,
I have UIPath Studio Pro Community Ed installed in my laptop. I am able to start the Job from UIPath Orchestrator using unattended Robot.
Now, I am try Start the Job using Orchestraor API - odata/Jobs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.StartJobs
Using the payload
{ “startInfo”:
{ “ReleaseKey”: “104ce5df-5380-486a-9f71-00000000”,
“Strategy”: “Specific”,
“RobotIds”: [ 1234],
“JobsCount”: 0,
“Source”: “Manual”
But to pass RobotIds, I am not getting any response from the API odata/Robots. Which gives below response:
“@odata.context”: “https://cloud.uipath.com/thermgusrgik/thermofisheiv4n598144/odata/$metadata#Robots”,
“@odata.count”: 0,
I am not sure, what I am missing. Can you please help?