Unable to resume course due to No Preview Available error... :(

I was going through my first course “Build Your First Automation with StudioX” when the window froze and upon trying to refresh the page, it stated a “No Preview Available” and I cannot resume my course. Please see attached screen shots:

Hi @Chaaza

Sign out your account and Clear the browser cache

After that Sign in again and try it


Thanks for the quick response, unfortunately the error remains. I can access other new courses without any problem, but it is just this specific “Build Your First Automation with StudioX” that has the issue.

I have also faced the same issue on other computers and on my mobile phone. So I think the website course has turned against me :frowning:

Hi @Chaaza

Can you try to change the browser and check it


Same problem alas even with microsoft edge and firefox and chrome

Okay @Chaaza

Tried it after some time


Unfortunately I have the same problem. Tried 3 other browsers, VPNs and cleared the cache but couldn’t access the content.

It would be better if you can raise a ticket with the Academy support team… They can help you here.

Hope you trie din another machine also

Yeah, I just sent a ticket to support team. And I tried it on another PC as well but same reaction.
But my friend with another account can see the content.

You will get the reply soon :slightly_smiling_face:

Facing the same issue for other courses also??

Hopefully :slight_smile: Only on this course :frowning: