Unable to read the excel data

Hi, I am facing a while reading the excel data, Actually, I gave the email id separated with ; (semicolon) but why it’s showing an error, suppose it should read the data na.
exel data contain

How to handle this error
@Palaniyappan @ImPratham45

Open that excel manually
go to that cell
and right click on that cell and remove hyperlink and try reading the excel with uipath studio
Cheers @balkishan

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But I want to read with given the hyperlink bro. Here I am giving multiple email in this cell, and I reading from this and sending a mail to multiple people.


its working for me with this statement in the writeline activity


Cheers @balkishan

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but my requirement is I want to give multiple email id in a cell seprated with semicolon, and then store in Variable and sending a email to multiple people. Hope you got bro

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in your case try with this statement buddy
where the actuall syntax is

Cheers @balkishan

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If the Index is changed, Can we give the Column name also, will it work. ?

yah of course it will
Cheers @balkishan

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so doing this can I store a value in a variable,

will it store all the email ID separated with comma in a variable ?

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yah it would


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yes you can store them into a variable

But it’s showing me an error bro, same i did see


@ImPratham45 @Palaniyappan

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use EXCEL APPLICATION SCOPE and READ RANGE within it and the syntax is
as the read range would have first row as header right


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is it working now

Thanks @Palaniyappan @ImPratham45

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