Hi, I am facing a while reading the excel data, Actually, I gave the email id separated with ; (semicolon) but why it’s showing an error, suppose it should read the data na.
exel data contain
How to handle this error
@Palaniyappan @ImPratham45
Hi, I am facing a while reading the excel data, Actually, I gave the email id separated with ; (semicolon) but why it’s showing an error, suppose it should read the data na.
exel data contain
How to handle this error
@Palaniyappan @ImPratham45
Open that excel manually
go to that cell
and right click on that cell and remove hyperlink and try reading the excel with uipath studio
Cheers @balkishan
But I want to read with given the hyperlink bro. Here I am giving multiple email in this cell, and I reading from this and sending a mail to multiple people.
its working for me with this statement in the writeline activity
Cheers @balkishan
but my requirement is I want to give multiple email id in a cell seprated with semicolon, and then store in Variable and sending a email to multiple people. Hope you got bro
in your case try with this statement buddy
where the actuall syntax is
Cheers @balkishan
If the Index is changed, Can we give the Column name also, will it work. ?
yah of course it will
Cheers @balkishan
so doing this can I store a value in a variable,
will it store all the email ID separated with comma in a variable ?
yes you can store them into a variable
But it’s showing me an error bro, same i did see
use EXCEL APPLICATION SCOPE and READ RANGE within it and the syntax is
as the read range would have first row as header right
is it working now
Thanks @Palaniyappan @ImPratham45
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