Excel automation using UiPath

This is my config file and how i add multiple email id to BCC i have try with , but it dosen’t work

Hi @yogitagaikwad2206 ,

Use semicolon as separator instead of comma.


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Hi @yogitagaikwad2206 ,

Try using Semicolon ; instead and check.

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Hi @yogitagaikwad2206

Try to use Semicolon ; as a separator (and no space between the different addresses is fine).
What could also help: Right-click and remove the “Link” from the cells.

Best regards

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using semicolon its not work

Can you perhaps share the error you are getting? @yogitagaikwad2206

no error is occured

is this correct to convert string to array for config

Name | value

VCC       |    ABC@gmail.com;XYZ@gmail.com;PQR@gmail.com


The issue is in conversion…

Please use VCc.Split(";")


Hi @yogitagaikwad2206

I don’t think you’re supposed to use an Array at all?
Simply retrieve your Value from the Config and store it/use it in a String-Variable and effectively in the “BCC” properties of the “Send Mail” Activity you are using.

Therefore, Semicolon should work as a delimiter. No spaces between the different recipients. Store it as String-Variable. I recommend removing the Links in your Excel (Config) with Right-Click - Remove Link, there’s no need to store it as a hyperlink in your file and it can cause unnecessary issues.

Hope this works and helps!

Best regards

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