Hi, I am not able to open the UiPath Studio even when I double click nothing happen, Even the xaml files also. Restarted the pc but no luck. @loginerror @HareeshMR @Palaniyappan @Pablito @ovi
Are you getting any error? Or a pop up screen? please post the screenshot @balkishan
I am getting nothing, It doesn’t give me any response.
@balkishan From the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\UiPath search uipath studio and try
Tried bro, Not giving any response
Hi @balkishan,
First of all, please check event viewer if it shows any error related to this. Then try to reinstall Studio according to this topic:
Hi pablito thanks for the response. It doesn’t give any response once click on the icon. Even the xaml files is not responding, two times restarted the pc but same issue.
Can you try re installing the studio @balkishan
After uninstall the installed one and re-install it again. It’s start working.
Hi @balkishan
Nothing happening after clicking Studio is a symptom of the update installation not finishing properly. This is why reinstalling helped here.
It had to do with the recently released beta version 2019.8. The easy fix in this case is to:
- Close Studio
- Delete the most recent beta folder
- Re-launch Studio
Afterwards you should give it time to download all the files. Unfortunately, there is not indication that the download is happening nor done (just yet), and this is why issue like this one can happen if you close your Studio too fast (in the middle of the download).
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