Unable to inspect username and password

Unable to inspect individual fields of installed app in iOS device but able to inspect same fields in Android device.

Do we have workaround for this problem statement?

you can try to change the UIframework, pressing f3, you can just click and drag over the field you want to interact with and place your proper anchors and you can use UiExplorer

Hi @natanael.mendes : UI automation activities will not work inside Mobile device automation scope?

Sorry for the confusion. This screenshot is related to app view inside iOS device using browserstack.


Try opening ui explorer and then indicate the element and from the left top menu (selector tree) check if it is showing the username fields when expanded …then we can right click and set as target


@Anil_G : Thank you for your inputs. Can you check and confirm whether UI automation activities (UiPath.Core.Activities.Click) work inside Mobile Device Connection.


No they wont work on mobile automation

Check this guide



@Anil_G : Okay. Thank you for sharing. This iOS application is actually inside virtual device (iPhone 14). It is difficult to inspect elements (username, password) using mobile device automation activities (Tap).

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Hi Sonali,

Im facing similar issue. Please share you findings and did you overcome this issue ?

Hi @Sonalk

is that ios device correctly connected with UiPath studio.

please check the above thread. Hope you have get some ideas.