Unable to insert image in body

Hello Friends,

I am trying to insert image in body of email, but somehow I am getting error for it “right click or tap and hold here to download pictures error in outlook” .

Can anybody help me to resolve this please.


Hi @Pramod_Bharat_Mangale

Please refer this video below,


HI @Pramod_Bharat_Mangale

Have a look on the thread


This video only I referred, and prepared the code but still it is giving me error


Have you put the images in the project folder where the main.xaml is located?


Yes, I have placed image in project folder


Have the image name passed in the collection?

If the above method not works,try below one


convert your image to html string first then use that string in your body, use this sequence.
ConvertImageToBase64.xaml (5.6 KB)
pass in the path to your image and it will output a string
Replace your with this string so the body will look like
"Hello Team,<br>.."+out_base64String+ "<br><br>Thank you<br>........."

I have modified code to below

And also we do not have to include the file name/Image File Name in Arguments or collection.

And it worked for me.

Thank you.

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