Unable to find newton.jason.linq for deserialize jason


I am using uipath version 2019.10.4 and i have to work on api.I am using deserialize jason activity but unable to find newtonsoft.jason.linq in type argument.
Uipath.web.activities version is 1.6.0.

please help me for the same .

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Have you tried browse for types as well ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

yes.not able to found

ensure following and import the namespaces if it is not already there:

yes,i can able to see in import but how to download that so i can use

not sure if I got you.
If it is not in the list then import it (Enter namespace, refer to yellow marks)
If it is imported then it should be available

If it is not showing in the browse for type then maybe a cache issue is occuring. The simplest first action would be:

  • check dependency manager if Uipath.web.activities is included (you have done as you wrote) and check if it is resolved.
  • close all XAMLS
  • close and reopen Studio


  • check again

I can able to see in import
but not able to see when i search same

Add Newtonsoft.Json as well

yes.bro now able to find.
Thanks for your help and time

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