Newtonsoft.json Latest package getting auto installed and giving error in Deseralisize json activity

Hi Team,

I have a process where i am calling an api and deserializse the response reached using Deserailize json,
newtonsoft.json Latest package 12.0.3 gets added automatically in packages session and then Deserailize json activity gives error.

if i remove the latest package newtonsoft.json 12.0.3 and run on newtonsoft.json 11.0.2 then it runs fine .
So from studio there is no provlem but when i run this as a unattented bot or from robot tray that pacakge gets added automatically and gives error

The Error Messge when the latest paclage is there on the path : .nuget\packages\newtonsoft.json

Deserialize JSON: Cannot create and populate list type Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken. Path ‘documents’, line 1, position 14.

I am experiencing exactly the same issue. I cannot figure out how to stop it or fix the 12.0.3 issue

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I have got the solution
Actually this is due yo the update in uipath
Just delete the project.json and click on main.xaml file and uipath will create new project.json and now
It will run properly and will run will latest package as well.

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