Unable to find attach browser activity in UiPath

Hi Team,

Unable to find attach browser activity UiPath Studio Pro. Can somebody tell how to use Activity Use Application/Browser



Check you have correct package - UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities - 20.10.6
Search for Attach then you can fine it

@devashish1989 - if you are modern design then attach browser wont be available.

Use browser/application works the same way. You just have to show the app/browser.

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still do not see it


Restart your studio and check one more time.

@devashish1989 - looks like you have ignored my post…where I have provided why you are missing this activity…

Modern Design

Disabled (created a new project)

Enabled(created another new project after reenabling again)



Thank you so much @prasath17 it worked

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