Unable To Execute Or Run The Processes Published Via CICD With Compatibility As Windows

Unable to run the process Via CICD with compatibility as Windows and getting an error Could not load file or assembly 'ProcessName', Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified.

Issue Description: While running a process with compatibility as Windows which is published via CICD is throwing an error "Could not load file or assembly 'ProcessName', Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified."


In the existing pipeline before the UiPath Pack task, add the UiPath Install Platform and choose a Windows CLI which is greater than 22.10 as the Windows projects are based out of .Net 5 and the older version of CLI's (21.10) are not capable of packing the projects with Windows as Compatibility as those are based out of .Net 4.6.1 framework.

In this scenario, adding the Install Platform Task and choosing a Windows CLI should help.

Also refer to this compatibility matrix Test Suite - UiPath CLI. As mentioned in the article, Windows CLI refers to UiPath.CLI.Windows which is capable of packing Windows - Legacy, Windows, and Cross-platform projects, and Cross platform CLI refers to UiPath.CLI which is capable of Cross-platform projects.

Note: The solution mentioned above is applicable when we are using the UiPath Extension in Azure DevOps or Jenkins to perform the deployments. If directly using UiPath CLI instead of these extensions, choose a UiPath CLI version greater than 22.10.

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