@russbel, I got the same error (detail is LibGit2Sharp.CheckoutConflictException: 1 conflict prevents checkout)
** I could only post 1 image as a new user, sorry, had to delete the others - I hope the post makes sense) **
The way I replicated it is that when I first cloned your repo, I got a pop-up:
No UiPath Studio Project was found in …
Then I saw this OPEN box: (Which is trying to have you manually Open the project)
Which I cancelled. When I tried to Clone again, it says “check out is not empty”
From there I navigate to the checkout folder, see the .git folder, and delete it, and click “Select Folder”
Then I get that error:
This is because, there is a file still left in there README.md (containing the word Leeme -Spanish for Readme?)
So, I think its working - and you get that initial issue b/c on Clone of the repo, UiPath wants to load up the project.json file (which you don’t have in your repo yet)
EDIT: So the conflict being that the README.md was already there.
EDIT2: So check you checkout folder, you should see you file there (I do)