Unable to change Date format in Uipath

Hi @Manjuts90

i still facing issue like this… i change the file and try to edit Entry Date column… this is the error what i got

can you please check this workflow again?
Thank you

test.zip (43.4 KB)

@annisa.silvy can you please check column name once for extra spaces at starting and ending once.

i’m sorry, how to do that? what activity can i use?
Thank you

@annisa.silvy manually you should check for the spaces.


I checked… and there is no other spaces in that column name… but i don’t know why column name still can not detect… any other suggestion for me?
Thank you

i am able to convert the date format , i have just displayed in message box.
Please find the zip
test.zip (19.9 KB)


@annisa.silvy Hi please check the “input 2.xlsx” excel file “sheet1” for output file.

In your excel data start’s from “A2”, so in read range give starting range as “A2” and also your excel file contains different date formats like “dd/MM/yyyy”, “d/MM/yyyy” etc

test.zip (44.6 KB)


Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your help… It is working now :smile:

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