Unable to automate Tally application

I am unable to automate Tally desktop application.
Is there any specific packages for this application.


Please post some screenshot of what you faced an error while automating in tally application.


Even i can’t perform click action and send hotkey activity on tally ERP 9.
For example, if we want to automate browser applications we have to enable google extension. Otherwise we can’t automate it, in the same way i am unable to automate the tally application.


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I hope there is no specific package for TALLY application
—as it is a desktop application we can easily automate the process with desktop activities like click, type into, and few activities with Data scrapping for table structure or not with screen scrapping table structure and many activities that can be handled with proper selector etc or if we are not able access few elements as individual elements the. **We can use Computer Vision activity **

Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @swathi_rao

Kindly try once with computer vision activities

Cheers @swathi_rao

Thanks for the reply,
I will try and update it.


I am facing this error while using Computer vision activities (CV Screen Scope activity).



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We need to mention the API KEY
Kindly have a view on this thread

Cheers @swathi_rao

There are no activities for the tally application as i have done whole project automating the tally. because there is no option to turn on the GUI scripting in TALLY like on SAP
there are 2 options

  1. use computer vision activities
  2. use keyboard shortcuts as the whole application is built to operate with the keyboard you can also use wait image vanish activities where ever needed because at some point tally will take long to respond. Its better to handle those areas with try catch blocks.

I would suggest you to go with the keyboard shortcuts.

if you have type into activities never use simulate type and empty before type because that will cause error in your flow.

Any issues you can contact anytime
hope that helps.


Thank you

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Hi Ashely,could you kindly explain me how to do Tally automation.It would be of great help.