Unable to allocate developer license to tenant


I am recently migrated from on prem to cloud.

I have 2 licenses for studio.

When I am trying to allocate these license to tenant “Development” not getting any option .

When I try to activate from studio i got error as it does not have any license

this is what showing in my tenant licnese page

Hi @venkat4u

Have you tried with giving only cloud.uipth in the service URL



Hi @venkat4u,

Old view:
Go to Admin → Tenants

Click on view or edit licenses

New view:
Go to Admin, click on your tenant and then Licenses, click on Edit allocation:

2022-11-14 09_21_36-Desktop (W21-PAD221)

Check if you have 0 available, and above that you should have 2 licenses allocated.

Kind regards,

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Thanks for response @Robert_Lansbergen

I have checked its not have such option available.

Venky :slight_smile:

Thanks for response @Gokul001
Have not tried, but i have query, if you try with cloud. uipath.com then how you will be able to authenticate yourself?

However, the main issue is license allocation to sepecific tenant…

It seems that you do not have any user licences. The only licenses you have available are Robot UR licenses and Data Service licenses.
For accessing the studio you need Automation Developer license in your organization.

Have not tried, but i have query, if you try with cloud. http://uipath.com/ then how you will be able to authenticate yourself?

You will be moved to https://cloud.uipath.com/ and from there you will be able to log into your account and select organization you want to log into.

Hi @venkat4u,

You probably dont have the licenses allocated on this tenant, do you have more tenants?
Check if they are allocated there, and put it to 0, so you have 2 available.

I just have 1 tenant, so I dont know yet how this exactly works, will dive into it.

Kind regards,

When working with more than one tenant and allocating licenses you will see all of the licenses available for allocation. If there is zero, it will simply say that zero licenses are available:




Still he should have 2 Automation Developer licenses according to his first screenshot.


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Hi @venkat4u,

I think I found it, check this, in Automation Cloud go to Admin → Licenses → Users.

In License Allocations to Users go to: Allocate Licenses

2022-11-14 11_22_25-Licenses - Administration - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge

Fill in the user which need the Automation Dev license.

You can also allocate them to the group. (License Allocations to Groups)

I think what UiPath have done is to handle the user licenses apart from the Robots & Services licenses, so you wont see them in the edit allocation list.

Kind regards,

Thanks for update @Robert_Lansbergen

I have service accounts which I used but no use. I have also tried about License Allocations to Groups also

Hi @venkat4u,

Are you seeing the Automation Developer licenses here? (2 available)
Could you share a screenshot of this page?

I believe you need a User to use the Automation Developer license.
Service/Robot accounts are for unattended robots.

Kind regards,

I was trying to explain, I tried giving names (account1 & 2) and then tried to connect Studio but still it is saying the same.

Hi @venkat4u,

Are your accounts members of a group?

With my Community Edition, my account is member of Administrator group, so I get a license automatically, you just have to create a allocation rule in License Allocation to Groups:

2022-11-14 14_08_25-Window

After this is done, you can connect to Orchestrator by pressing Sign in:

In the URL check if its like this:
https://cloud.uipath.com/“your Organisation”/“your tenant”/orchestrator_

Kind regards,

1 Like

unfortunately that was disabled :frowning:

Is your studio installed in service mode? UiPath recommend to install it as usermode:

Will investigate further and let you know.

Check this link aswell:

Kind regards,

Hi @venkat4u,

Go to: Admin → Settings → Advanced:

You should be able to Disable User License Management.

For more information: License management options (uipath.com)

Now go to: Admin → Tenant → Licenses and click “Edit Allocation” and select your Automation Developer Licenses.

Hope this finally helps!



You’re right. It seems that he has User License Allocation enabled. That’s why the allocation is a bit different.
In my org we are not using this option because it disables UR not named accounts.


Please try going into Admin->Accounts & Groups->Groups.
Click Edit next to Automation Developers, and add those two accounts there.

With both User License Allocation mode enabled and disabled, by default this group has assigned Developer Licenses so adding users to this group will allocate Developer License to them.

HI @GT_Ropa, @venkat4u,

When User License Management is disabled, you won’t see any Rule Allocation in groups:

All licenses are managed at 1 place, without having to add accounts to groups.

Kind regards,