UiRobot stopped working [highly urgent] really need help

Scenario: Robot that read range and extracts data from excel

Steps to reproduce: extract data from excel and execute

Current Behavior: UiRobot stops working

Expected Behavior:

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version: 2017 1.6309

Last stable behavior:
Last stable version:
OS Version:
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

Can you elaborate stops working? UiPath Studio doesn’t work or your workflow doesn’t work? Any errors?

The robot is executing its process and when it is suposed to execute a Read Range the program crashes and a windows message “UiRobot Stopped working” appears.

The robot has been executed before without problems.

By the way, after an UiPath update most selectors stopped working and can not define some of them.


JoĂŁo Ladeiras

hello Jladeiras

what excel pack are you using? can you share the xlsx file with us, to test?

The excel I am using is Excel 2013 32bit and Windows 7 64 bit.

Attached you can find the Excel document used.

Analise.xlsx (136.1 KB)

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If it was updated just make sure you have the excel activities installed.

by excel pack i mean the package version from Studio
also, what`s the range you are trying to read, from the document

Can you share us the XAML r a screenshot of the error???


The package version is 2.0.6333.17728. I am trying to read the all document - the range might change with time.

Attached you can find the log file and a screenshot of the errorLog.html (253.2 KB)

Thank you for your help.

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Hello, are you using the read range within an excel scope or the excel system read range?

The target Element was not specified for this activity. You should set its Target property or use this activity inside of a scope activity (Attach Browser, Open Browser, Open Application, Attach Window, Get Active Window, Element Scope activities)


First sheet or second? I did some read range tests on your doc and they
worked, i didn’t try with the whole document though. Please let me know if
you have the same error if you try with a smaller range

Also i need to know what activity you are using, is it workbook? If you run a simple wf that does only the read, do you still have the crash? I m not sure that the read is the issue here, maybe something breaks after or before.

Sorry about that.

It happens in the second sheet. The first one is just a cover of the document.

I tried both solutions read range within a Excel aplication scope and read range as workbook function.


JoĂŁo Ladeiras

Yeah, please share you XAML for better help.


This is supposed to be executed withing 12 documents and only happens in one of them.

If I start on the second document ir works just fine.


Can you monitor the memory consumption of the robot? Do you see it rising too much?

@Jladeiras - Can you manual open that document in same system where robot is running, and make sure that you’re not getting any popup/error while opening that document.

I had faced one issue, when some plugin / add-on was not enabled in excel

I did not monitor the consumption of the robot, how can I do it?

Manually I can open the file and work on it. The other files that the robot is working on are similar to this one, however with less data.

Added as a defect, will be fixed in a future excel package release.
Meanwhile, try to use a smaller read range if possible.