UiPath.Word.Activities Package Version No Longer There?

Hello, I’m hoping someone can help?

Yesterday, I had v1.16.1 of UiPath.Word.Activities and today, it’s only showing me the following three versions, none of which are the version I had to begin with?

Can anyone please advise what’s happened? Thanks in advance.

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

here in my case its available. Can you try to upgrade your systems package

Hi @Danni_P

Please try deleting the dependency and try re-installing the UiPath.Word.Activities package. Please refer the below image.

Hope it helps!!


Can you check if you have the required feeds enabled in Settings of manage packages


This is what’s in my Manage Package Settings?

I’ve tried and it doesn’t help at all

which target framework / project compatibility is set at your project?


Check whether the marked one is enabled or not.



Can you confirm what license type you are on

also try adding this feed and check




Just seen this and think it’s probably related - UiPath Status


If you find solution for your query please mark it as solution to close the loop.


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