Uipath.webAPI.activities 1.11.1 not available to download

i had developed a sequence to call api using Uipath.webAPI.activities 1.11.1 version package, but recently when i opened the code in different machine there was unresolved dependency error.
while trying to download the Uipath.webAPI.activities 1.11.1 , there is only Uipath.webAPI.activities 1.9.2 available in mynuget.org site.
can anyone let me know if why version 1.11.1 is not availble?

thanks in advance


Which version of Studio do you use?
WebApi activities Package 1.11.1 supports 22.4 or above , as the following.



Take a look at the Event viewer logs and Output of the Studio. There you will see exactly the trace of the error.

studio version is 2020.10.4

Upgrade the UiPath Studio to 2022.4.* and retry. If not, use lower versions. Example: 1.9.2

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okay, i will try this.
but why is the v1.11.1 not available when searched online, only till v1.9.2 is available?

  • Make sure that on your Studio Machine TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.3 are disabled. Make sure that TLS1.1/TLS 1.2 are enabled.

  • Try to add these sources in your Manage Packages ribbon: https://www.myget.org/F/workflow/api/v3/index.json,https://packages.uipath.com/activities

  • You may try to change the Compatibility of the new processes (Windows - Legacy/Windows/Cross-platform) and Language (VB/C#) and see the behavior

  • If you have a proxy in place in the Studio machine, for version 2020.10.* of robots, you should configure the proxy.config file and Nuget.config located in %AppData%\NuGet.


  • You may try to navigate to %userprofile%.nuget\ and rename the packages to packages_old and retry the download of the package

Along that the machine needs internet and access to the feeds also check following